end 很极端的选择但是却深深的懂她们为什么会这么选 女生间友情太好磕 唉虽然都很惨但是风俗女比牛郎惨太多 感觉看到《小别离 电视剧》的抓马版 导演很强虽然发展的基调是无情但在一些瞬间高h办公室肉辣秘书好像大家也是有感情、可理解的普通人(为了缓解工作压力找cosplay女学生的大叔仿佛也有一丝人性)
Rather than the story itself, Eggers is more concerned with a certain way of filmmaking - let’s say a certain level of visual intensity and an innate authenticity inherited in folklores and mythologies that makes that type of storytelling the dominant narrative form in western cultures. That way he can get deeper into what those cultures are.